To My Survivors:

Sometimes it feels like darkness is the way the river flows. We hide in it or seek the thrill of a gushing waterfall as the moonlight stares straight through the darkness. I wonder if that’s what we do as survivors. I know the fear you must have had as someone stripped away a sense of your identity. Every person goes through different motions within that moment. But somehow that moment bonds us all forever.

I’m here to tell you that:
Darkness is the absence of light”.

We are so much more than the experience. When you want to lean into that darkness remember that we have the power to choose our thoughts. Those thoughts can inspire us to seek healing. I don’t know where you might be in the healing process or might not be (which is ok), I hope that you are not giving them/him/her power over you any longer. We are like plants. There are moments we appear dormant. Suffering in silence, appearing to the world with a smile when inside we are crying or putting ourselves in risky situations to feel something more than the pain. To forget. But remember as much as a plant appears dormant, when conditions are right that plant begins to grow again.

We too can grow again. Waking up will start to slowly become easier. We will one day look around and begin to feel love for ourselves. We will no longer feel that guilt that used to demobilize us. We slowly are reminded that there are people who do care and cherish us. We will be inspired.

Take this moment to be proud of yourself for being here right now. Your identity never left you. It is here. You are whole.

There is no perfect survivor. Healing is not linear. Be kind to yourself.


Your biggest advocate, supporter, sister and friend.

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